Lecture 7
- Pulse Code Modulation
- A way of digitizing voice signals
- Voice signal is band limited to 4kHz ( sampling rate = 8 ksamples/s)
- 8-bit nonuniform quantizer is used to quantize each sample (data rate = 64kbits/s)
- It can be shown the SNR for PCM = (6m-10)dB
- A way of digitizing voice signals
- How fast and reliable can a digital transmission occur through a channel?
- Depends on a number of factors:
- Amount of energy present in the signal
- Noise properties of the channel
- Distance for the signal to propagate
- Bandwidth(BW) of the transmission medium
- Amount of energy present in the signal
- Bandwidth:
- Determines the range of frequencies that can be transmitted through a channel
- Consider a sinusoidal wave:
- Frequency present in the wave = f0Hz or 2πf0 radians / s
- Determines the range of frequencies that can be transmitted through a channel
- Effective bandwidth
- Most energy
- Wave of
- Most energy
- Square waves have infinite bandwidth, the kth component kf = 1/k
- Therefore most energy and amplitude is in the first few components
- S(t) = A 4/π[
- Square wave with infinite frequency
- Square wave with infinite frequency
- A bandwidth of 4Mhz has a data rate of 2Mbps
- Therefore most energy and amplitude is in the first few components
- Cos(Ѳ) = sin( Ѳ + π/2)
- Amplitude response A(f): is the ratio of the output amplitude to input amplitude (Aout/Ain) as a function of frequency
- Phase shift: is a variation in φ(f) as a function of frequency
- Signal power
- P power distributed across resistance R
- V voltage across resistance R
- Instantaneous power is proportional to s(t)2
- Average power from (t1, t2)
- Take P =
- Transmission impairment
- Attenuation
- When he signal falls off as a measure of distance
- When he signal falls off as a measure of distance
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