Lecture 5
OSI reference model
- Acronym: open systems interconnection
- Model was the first attempt at standardizing a network
Made by IOS
- Acronym: International Organization of Standardization
- Partitions networking into seven layers
Layers are used to
- Reduce the complexity of design
- Analogous to the concept of functions: layer (n-1) provides a service layer to n keeping its internal details hidden from layer n
- Applications can be developed at the top most layer without worrying about the intrinsic details in the lower layer
Application Layer
- Concerned with syntax and semantics of the information transmitted
- Makes common data structures compatible on different machines
- It is the function of the presentation layer to ensure that the transmitted bits are properly mapped to the correct alphabet
- Allows higher level data structures to be defined
- Communicates with the session layer using a presentation protocol data unit PPDU
- Especially useful for banks and hospitals
- Allows users to establish sessions between them
- Sessions are defined based on the requirements for users and may vary from half duplex to full duplex and inclusion or omission of synchronization point
Services include
Dialog control
- Tracking whose turn is to transmit
Token management
- Preventing parties from attempting the same operation at the same time
- Check pointing long transmission by including synchronization points
- Communicates with the transport layer with a session protocol data unit SPDU comprised of PPDU and Session header
Data link layer
- Provides for transfer of frames across transmission line
- Packets are further compose as frames with framing information on the boundaries
- Does checksum on each frame allowing error detection
- Also includes medium access control sublayer than allows for LAN connectivity
- Performs actual transmission of bits over some communication channels
- Wire / cable/ optical fibre / air
- Design issues are largely electrical, mechanical, timing interfaces, and physical medium
Critique of OSI
Bad timing
- Came too late. The competing TCP/IP was already widely in use by the time OSI was standardize
Bad technology
- Choice of seven layers was more political then technical. The two layers (session and presentation) are nearly empty while two layers (data link and network) are overfull and complex
Bad implementation
- Initial implementations were huge and slow. Though the products improved later but the initial impression lingered on
Bad politics
- OSI was widely perceived as a European product while many people thought of TCP/IP as an extension of Unix
- Bad government policy
Government support of OSI was thought of as an attempt to 'shove a technically inferior product down the throat of poor researchers;